Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce

Drygast, 2023-08-11

Really hot chilli sauce made with home-grown ghost pepper. Perfect for testing what you think spicy food actually is.

Servings: 20 Portions
Tags: American | Chilipepper | Condiments | Spicy | Vegetarian
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 20 min

I've been growing chillies at home for a few years now and it's always fun to figure out what to use all the fruits for. This year I have had very good results from all my chili plants, but my Ghost Pepper (Naga Jolokia) has been really productive. Ghost pepper is VERY spicy and has quite a unique flavor so I don't want to give it too much to compete with in the chilli sauce but instead keep it very simple. The carrot in the sauce adds a little sweetness and I also wanted to add some red pepper for color.

But first a bit of a WARNING!
Ghost pepper is one of the hottest chilis in the world and you therefore need to treat them with respect. This means, among other things, using gloves when handling it and also making sure to be in a well-ventilated area. In this recipe, I roast the chili in the oven and when the oven door is opened, you should make sure not to inhale the fumes as it can be perceived as unpleasant. You must also make sure not to get the chili fruit's oils on sensitive areas such as, for example. the eyes. It is also important to clean the tools and surfaces that was used to handle the chili.

With that warning out of the way (take it seriously) we'll get into how I make this chili sauce. It's really very simple - roast the vegetables in a ovenproof dish and then put everything in a blender. Mix until smooth sauce.

When I made this recipe the first time, the carrots didn't get soft after the full time in the oven (too big pieces), so I took out the other ingredients and let the carrots have an extra 10 minutes. I have also tried activating the grill element for a few minutes to give a little extra flavor.

I also use a little Xanthan gum (E415) in this recipe to hold the sauce together, but you can leave it out if you don't want to use it.

The sauce should last a few weeks in the fridge, but I have not measured the pH of this particular recipe and therefore cannot guarantee the shelf life. Test and ensure it is fresh before use.

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Hot Sauce


Hot Sauce
  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  2. Use gloves and cut the chillies in half. Scrape out seeds if you like and then place the chili in an ovenproof dish.
  3. Peel the carrot and cut it into small pieces.
  4. Cut the bell pepper into smaller pieces.
  5. Peel the garlic cloves.
  6. Place the carrot pieces, bell pepper pieces and garlic cloves in the same ovenproof dish as the chili.
  7. Roast in the oven (20 minutes or until all the vegetables are soft). Possibly remove everything except the carrot and roast it longer if necessary.
  8. Let cool slightly and then place all ingredients (except xanthan gum) in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
  9. Add xanthan gum while the food processor is running so it mixes evenly and quickly.
  10. Pour into properly cleaned bottles and store in the fridge.

Nutrition Facts*

 TotalServing100 g
Energy120.56 kcal6.03 kcal27 kcal
Carbohydrates28.53 g1.43 g6.39 g
Fat0.45 g0.02 g0.10 g
Protein2.99 g0.15 g0.67 g
Sugar12.5 g0.63 g2.80 g
Salt6.03 g0.3 g1.35 g

* The nutritional information provided is approximate and is calculated using the ingredients available in the database. Info will vary based on cooking methods and brands of ingredients used.

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Foodie, amateur cook, software developer, dog owner and generic old guy.